Connecting with practice
The department's Third Mission plays a crucial role in fostering direct connections between academic knowledge and real-world practices.
Our commitment to "Connecting with Practice" aims to establish a dynamic relationship between research, education, and professional environments. We strive to contribute to economic, social, and cultural development through partnerships with businesses, institutions, and communities.
This strategic alignment ensures that the knowledge generated within the university is not only theoretical but also applicable and beneficial to the professional sector.
By facilitating exchanges, internships, collaborative projects, and knowledge transfer, we help shape students and researchers into key societal players capable of tackling contemporary challenges while driving innovation and growth in their respective fields.
Events and Initiatives
- Oct-23 CITY VISION: presentation of results of the research on the #TwinTransition of the #SmartCities
- Oct-23 SEGNAVIE - LO STATO E NOI: series of conferences to explore the themes of the citizen-state relationship
- Oct-23 ODCEC: Conference on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors
- Oct-23 series of workshops for local SMEs about the implications of digital technologies for business processes, organized by Unioncamere Veneto and Chambers of Commerce, in collaboration with the
Department of Management of the University of Venice and the Department of Informatics
of the University of Verona - Oct-23 Opening lecture MsC MAFiB: "Building a Career in Accounting and Finance in Industrial Firms"
- Nov-23 Opening lecture MsC MASFI: "Sustainable Development: Policies, Management, Communities"
- Nov-23 Opening lecture MsC MAE: "Preserving Competition in Digital Markets"
- Dec-23 BDO presentation: corporate presentation
- Jan-24 Presentation of MsC programs: "Three keys to the future: what skills for your tomorrow?"
- Mar-24 Open-day MsC MAFiB
- Mar-24 Open-day MsC MASFI
- Mar-24 Open-day MsC MAE
- Mar-24 2nd Horizon Europe Project Meeting "Skills2Capabilities", conference
- May-24 MYF - Meet your Future 7th Edition, meeting with managers and professionals from different business sectors
- May-24 Open day MsC programs: "The three keys to the future: Sustainability, Digitalisation and Data Science"
- May-24 Padova Macro Talks 2024
- 2024: First edition of “Dissertation Awards” funded by the Association of Friends of Padua ETS and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio (bank), in collaboration with Alumni UNIPD and under the patronage of the Schools of Economics and Political Science. The awards aim to recognize and support talented young individuals pursuing experimental master’s dissertation projects focused on the study and analysis of the Third Sector.
Projects and Agreements
- Educational and scientific management activities
- Lean Enterprise Center Project for teaching and scientific direction activities
- Professional Training Events
- Informative seminars on accounting topics and support training activities with Order of Chartered Accountants of Padua
- Financial training and education
- Financial training of small and medium-size enterprises
- Financial training course with AMCO, in collaboration with Confindustria Veneto Est, based on business and economics practice-oriented research on fintech and sustainability
- Financial education projects in schools of Veneto "Educashon" with Irecoop Veneto
- Teaching and dissemination activities within the "sky glass" project
- Consulting projects
- Research and consulting agreement awarded by PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA related to the analysis of balance sheet data of the 500 largest companies in the Province of Padua
and the 100 largest companies in the Province of Belluno - Consulting project to develop artificial intellingence algorithms for the analysis of financial statements/ reports in order to predict criminal behavior, risk of failure, and ESG indicators - with Rozes, spin-off of the University of Padua
- Consultancy agreement with SINLOC for the determination of the economic value of the company
- Digital transition and innovation agreements
- “Made in Vicenza - digital transition of companies" with Chamber of Commerce of Vicenza
- "Intergreen Nodes" with Unioncamere of Veneto
- "Mapping structures of innovation of Veneto" with Veneto Innovazione.
- "Digitalization and SMEs" with Veneto Innovazione
- "CLuster for dATA-driven Solutions in the Sea economy 4.0 (CLASS 4.0)" with Unioncamere of Veneto
- Collaboration agreements
- "DIH InnovaMare" project with Regional Union of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto and national and internation partners, for digital and green transformation for a sustainable blue economy and the Adriatic Sea.
- METATECH project with Sacet S.r.l. and Fondo Impresa "training to support digital and/or technological innovation of product and/or process" for mapping applied technological efficiency in the metalworking industry
- VITRVM project with Kairosforma S.r.l. and Fondo Impresa "training to support digital and/or technological innovation of product and/or process" for technological innovation in the glass industry
- "Gender Crossings: Strategies for Overcoming the Pay Gap"project, in addressing gender disparities in the workplace, led by the Veneto Institute for Labor and funded by the Veneto Region
Events organized by Students
- Dec-23 Istat report on italian financial education, Student Association "Starting Finance"
- Apr-24: "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: implementation of sustainability reporting", Student Association "Starting Finance"
- May-24 "The role of banks, businesses and the ruling class in Italy at the time of privatization", Student Association "Starting Finance"