1st Padova IO Workshop


We are excited to announce the 1st Padova IO Workshop, taking place on Wednesday, 29 May 2024, at the Seminar Room of Palazzo Levi Cases (Via del Santo 33, 1st floor) in Padua.

This workshop aims to facilitate the dissemination of preliminary results and exchange comments and ideas on topics related to Industrial Organization.

Local organizers:
Riccardo Camboni
Leonardo Madio
Fabio Manenti

If you wish to attend the event, please contact Leonardo Madio leonardo.madio@unipd.it by May 21.


10:45 Registration

10:50 Welcome: Paola Valbonesi, Head of Department (dSEA Unipd)

Chair: Stefano Comino (University of Udine)
11:00 Olga Chiappinelli (University of Barcelona) “The greener, the better? Evidence from government contractors” (w. Giuffrida L. and Dalò A.)
11:50 Riccardo Camboni (dSEA Unipd) “Bid-preference as incentive for innovation: experimental evidence” (w. Corazzini L., Galavotti S., and Valbonesi P.)
12:20 Fabio Manenti (dSEA Unipd) “Vertical relations in a platform ecosystem” (w. Madio L. and Sandrini L.)

12:50 - 14.00 Light Lunch (Garden)

Chair: Gianluca Antonecchia (KU Leuven)
14:00 David Ronayne (ESMT Berlin) “Finding a Good Deal: Stable Price Dispersion with Robust Search”
14:50 Pavel Andreyanov (dSEA Unipd & HSE Moscow) “Scoring and Favoritism in Optimal Procurement Design” (w. Suzdaltsev A. and Krasikov I.)
15:20 Gegam Shagbazian (dSEA Unipd) “Trade Sanctions, Import Substitution and Innovation: Evidence from Russia” (w. Camboni R., Spagnolo G. and Valbonesi P.)

15:50 - 16:20 Coffee break

Chair: Clara Graziano (University of Udine)
16:20 Jacopo Gambato (ZEW & University of Mannheim) “Search on a grid: Directed consumer search with correlated products”
17:10 Leonardo Madio (dSEA Unipd) “Design and governance of quality on a digital platform” (w. Bedre-Defolie Ö and Johansen B.)

17:40 Conclusions

18:15 Aperitif at Eroica Caffé (Padua)

Presentations: 50 minutes for externals; 30 minutes for internals