Summer selection for candidates with a foreign qualification
Dal 14.06.2016 al 18.06.2016
Summer selection for candidates in possession of a foreign qualification for the graduate programmes in Business Administration and Economics and Finance.
Dal 14.06.2016 al 18.06.2016
Summer selection for candidates in possession of a foreign qualification for the graduate programmes in Business Administration and Economics and Finance.
Room 42, 4th floor, via Bassi 1 - 11:30
On Monday, June 6th, at 11:30 in room 42 (via Bassi 1, 4th floor), all students interested in the PhD program in Economics and Management are invited to the presentation.
University of Padova, Italy
Dal 14.05.2019 al 17.05.2019
Rethinking Clusters: The local and global scale of sustainability transitions. The workshop focuses on emergent issues related to the evolutionary trajectories of clusters, which encompasses the major challenges of the globalization of the production, the extension of the value chains, the
Palazzo Levi Cases, via del Santo 33 - 12.30
Seminar by Maria Navarro Paniagua, Lancaster University