Master's degrees entry requirements

If you hold an italian degree, or if you are applying only to our Master's degree in Economics and Law (Economia e Diritto) and you have a foreign degree, you should fulfil the following entry requirements:

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree or a three-year university diploma by 21st October 2020 or by the end of this year (i.e., by 31st December 2020).
  • Fulfil minimum curricular requirements that will be verified during the pre-enrolment process via web and the self-certification procedure (see below).
  • Have an adequate training, verified by a compulsory admission test held on Monday 27th July 2020.

Minimum curricular requirements

When pre-enrolling you will need to provide information about the qualifications you have achieved (Bachelor's degree or equivalent) and show that you qualify for the course(s) you are applying. That is, to sit the admission test, you must self-certify that at the date of the pre-enrolment application you have already passed and registered exams in specific SDS - Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (SSD : Settori Scientifici Disciplinari).

  Master’s Degree in Business Administration

You must have completed at least 50 CFU/ECTS as follows:

30 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/07; SECS-P/08; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/10; SECS-P/11; ING-IND/35

10 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03

10 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/05; SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/06; MAT/05; MAT/06; MAT/08; MAT/09

  Master’s Degree in Economics and Finance

You must have completed al least 50 CFU/ECTS as follows:

12 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/07; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/11;

16 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03; SECS-P/06;

22 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/05; SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/06; MAT/05; MAT/06; MAT/08; MAT/09.

  Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and innovation

You must have completed at least 50 CFU/ECTS as follows:

At least 12 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/07; SECS-P/08; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/10; SECS-P/11; 
At least 12 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03; SECS-P/05; 
At least 10 CFU/ECTS in SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/06; MAT/05; MAT/06; MAT/08; MAT/09; INF/01; ING-INF/05

In addition to the above, the following areas may also be taken into consideration to achieve the required 50 CFU/ECTS:

SECS-P/04, SECS-P/12, IUS/01, IUS/03, IUS/04, IUS/05, IUS/07, IUS/09, IUS/13, IUS/14, ING-IND/35, ING-IND/15, ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17, ICAR/13, ICAR/17, SPS-08, SPS-09, AGR/01, CHIM/03, CHIM/06, BIO/01, BIO/06

  Master’s Degree in Economics and Law (Economia e Diritto - offered in Italian)

You must have completed at least 50 CFU/ECTS as follows:

10 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/07;

10 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/08; SECS-P/09; SECS-P/10; SECS-P/11;

8 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/01; SECS-P/02; SECS-P/03;

6 CFU/ECTS in SECS-P/05; SECS-S/01; SECS-S/03; SECS-S/06;

16 CFU/ECTS in IUS/01; IUS/04; IUS/12.