“The Wealth of Nations and the First Wave of COVID-19 Diffusion”
A large debate has risen about the hypothesis that COVID-19 diffusion and mortality rates are somehow linked with economic wealth.
In this study, published in the Italian Economic Journal, Roberto Antonietti (dSEA Unipd), Paolo Falbo (University of Brescia) and Fulvio Fontini (dSEA Unipd) observe a sample of 138 countries during the first wave contagion period. Their estimates show that both the early infection and the mortality rates of COVID-19 are higher in wealthier countries. As an explanation of this finding, they also find that both mortality and infection rates increase with a higher share of elderly population and with the international flows of imported goods or tourists. However, the death rate decreases in countries with higher endowments of health facilities.
Read the full article here: https://unipd.link/Paper_Antonietti_Fulvini_Covid19diffusion