Extraordinary Exam Session
The students entitled to participate in the extraordinary exam session are:
1. Students graduating in the December graduation session:
> who apply for the extraordinary exam within the deadlines indicated below,
> who apply for graduation on UNIWEB by 10 October 2023,
> who have completed or are in the process of completing their thesis (i.e., to be discussed in the December 2023 graduation session),
> who are one exam (in addition to the final exam) away from completing their career.
2. Students enrolled in one of the deactivated Master's degree courses (BA, MED, MEF, EI):
> who apply for the extraordinary exam within the deadlines indicated below,
> limited to the compulsory subjects of the first year,
> the request may be made for a maximum of 3 exams.
Interested students may submit their request for an extraordinary call by Friday 20 October 2023 (peremptory deadline). Requests must be addressed by email exclusively to the Teaching office: didattica.economia@unipd.it. In the request the student must indicate:
1) surname, first name, matriculation number; Course of study in which the student is enrolled;
2) the teaching subject for which the extraordinary examination is being requested and the name of the teacher in charge of the subject;
3) the name of the professor - supervisor and the title of the final thesis (only in the case of graduating students of the December session).
The examinations will take place on 6-10 November 2023. Students requesting to take the extraordinary exam and fulfill the above conditions will be automatically included in the exam lists.
Download here the calendar.