Connecting with society

At the heart of our Department's mission lies a commitment not only to excellence in education and research but also to meaningful engagement with society.

Through our "Third Mission" initiatives, we strive to contribute to the social, cultural, and economic development of our community. By fostering collaboration with local institutions, industry, and civic organizations, we aim to ensure that the knowledge and expertise generated within our department reach beyond the academic realm.

Whether through public outreach programs, partnerships, or applied research, we seek to make a tangible impact on society, addressing real-world challenges and contributing to a more informed, sustainable, and innovative future.

  Events and Initiatives

  • Publications for non-academic audiences
    • 2023: The cost of non-Europe in the area of health
    • 2024: Observatory on Enterprise Networks 2023
    • 2024: National Research on Benefit Societies 2024 - Part 1 and 2
    • 2024: Interview in Vanity Fair on the topic of parental leave
    • 2024: The Wates Corporate Governance Principles for Large Private Companies
    • 2024: Energy poverty: know it to fight it
    • 2024: Report UNESCO "The price of inaction. The global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning"
    • 2024: Life expectancy
    • 2024: Energy Communities: beyond decrees, the real challenges.
    • 2024: Article for Nord Est Economia
    • 2024: Presentation of the Italian Observatory on Energy Poverty (OIPE) Report 2023. ‘Energy Poverty in Italy’
    • 2024: Various contributions on CUOA Space
    • 2024: Lean for the sustainable enterprise
  • Participation in radio and tv and prizes
    • 2024: Participation in the TV7Match television programme
    • 2024: Interview with Dealflower
    • 2024: The "Gigi Guglielmini" Prize, organized by Casa Arcobaleno Volunteering Organization under the patronage of Fondazione Gruppo Abele and the honorary patronage of the Piemonte Regional Council Councillor, awarded to some faculty for the paper entitled “Strategic Philanthropy: analysis of 'ex-ante' and 'ex-post' perceptions in foundation governance" and published in the European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Project. The committee include representatives from various associations: the President of the Italian Croce Rossa, the President of Volunteering Organization Casa Arcobaleno, a Representative for Fondazione Gruppo Abele) and universities