Courses organization

Mandatory attendance:

  • 70,00 %

The application process will be available online by the end of July 2016

  • Teaching takes place from January to June, followed by a period of compulsory internship lasting 3 months. Classes are held on Friday (8 hours) and Saturday (8 hours). There are days dedicated to group work and individual study referred to as 'Study Breaks' or 'In-class Study Break'. The intership could be done during the class period or can follow the lessons.The Master ends with the elaboration and discussion of a FPW (Final Project Work). Exact dates and timetables will be communicated to the students involved in the Master MIBS.

Teaching Methods:

  • frontal lessons;
  • stage;
  • project Work;
  • final project (Master Thesis approved by the academic tutor and by the company tutor).