Best paper a Marco Paiola alla SIM Conference 2017 per uno studio su IoT e PMI

Dal 07.11.2017 al 30.11.2017

Lo studio di Marco Paiola su "Digital servitization: opportunities and challenges for Italian SMES" è stato indicato come best paper della sezione tematica 'Technology and Innovation Marketing' della SIM Conference 2017, XIV Convegno Annuale della Società Italiana di Marketing "Il Marketing di successo. Imprese, enti e persone", svoltosi giovedì 26 e venerdì 27 ottobre 2017 presso l'Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

Lo studio approfondisce l'impatto che l'utilizzo dell'Internet delle cose ha per le piccole e medie imprese. La ricerca mette in luce come queste nuove tecnologie consentano non solo di migliorare i prodotti delle imprese ma anche di consentire di introdurre nuovi servizi, trasformando la relazione tra imprese e clienti. In particolare, queste tecnologie pongono alle nostre imprese due grandi sfide, inerenti i modi di migliorare la propria posizione all'interno della value chain e di avvicinarsi al cliente finale.


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Digitalized and connected (in a word: smart) products are transforming both business and consumer markets landscapes, making space for brand new data-based service-oriented business models. In fact, data gathering (via IOT) and data analysis produce fine-grained and complete information that can be capitalized in different areas, helping the improvement and developement of products, but in particular forcing companies to manage an additional service orientation, radically modifying their business models. The transformation underway is capital, and can be seen at least from a twofold perspective.
First, smart products are merging the trends of digitalization and servitization, unveiling unexplored potential for manufacturing firms: an incipient literature is focusing on the role of digital technologies in servitization under the label “digital servitization”. Moreover, the modifications of business models affect firm interdependencies and power relationships in different sectors, especially regarding collaboration in the value system (relationships and partners), reconfiguration of internal capabilities (core competences), value (pricing models and cost structures).
The research, following a qualitative approach, aims at describing digital servitization with a particular focus on problems, challenges and opportunities for Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The investigation capitalizes on personal interviews with business and industrial experts and analyzes several case-studies regarding different types of manufacturing companies. 
These "stories" tell us that many companies are already experimenting with digital servitization, exploring the new business models in different ways and intensity. The cases show us that digitalization can lead not only to improved products and services: it can profoundly change the object and even the nature of relations with customers, envisioning a transformation that involves many aspects of firms' everyday life, and leading them to reconsider their position and the system of relations in the value chain. In fact, in our sample the firm's value chain position and its sales model appear to be the main conditioning elements of firms' moves towards new, digitally-based, service-led business models.