International Summer Program in Management USA

L'International Summer Program in Management (ISPM) negi Stati Uniti offre la possibilità a 15 studentesse e studenti triennali di trascorrere un periodo di studio presso l'University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD).
Scopri University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD), guarda i videoclicca qui per avere maggiori informazioni.

L'edizione 2024 ISPM USA si terrà dal 1 luglio al 16 agosto, secondo il seguente calendario:

  • prime due settimane online dall'Italia: 1, 3, 8, 10 luglio;
  • cinque settimane in presenza a Dearborn: 15 luglio - 16 agosto.

> Attività didattiche e costi

MRK 434 Marketing - Sales Management and Personal Selling 6 CFU)
(scheduled for  Mondays and Wednesdays 18:00 - 20:45)
The purpose of this course is to provide a general understanding of the practice of sales management. The course is designed to provide a basic framework of what sales managers actually do and how they solve problems they may encounter. Team presentations, case analyses and class discussion are used throughout the course to describe and explain the skills required of sales managers to achieve their objectives.

FIN 402 Finance - Advanced Corporate Finance (6 CFU)
(scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00 -13:45)
The purpose of this course is to provide the study of advanced topics, with particular attention to capital structure and dividend policy. Additional topics such as hedging, option pricing, agency theory, methods of financing, and corporate control will be presented. Global aspects of these topics will be addressed where appropriate.

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Clicca qui per informazioni relative ai costi del programma ISPM USA 2023.


> Bando di selezione e graduatoria

Scarica qui il Bando Summer School ISPM USA 2024. Graduatoria Bando Summer School ISPM USA 2024 - aggiornata al 4 marzo 2024_scarica qui.