Selezione n. 2024AR01-TUSSET - Assegno di ricerca prof. Gianfranco Tusset
Bando di selezione per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno di ricerca di Tipo A
Titolo: “LEXECON. The Economic Teacher: A transnational and diachronic study of treatises and textbooks of economics (18th to 29th century). Intra- and interlingual corpus-driven and corpus-based analysis with a focus on lexicon and argumentation”
SECS-P/04 Storia del pensiero economico
Selection announcement for the awarding of no. 1 research grant Type A
Title: “LEXECON. The Economic Teacher: A transnational and diachronic study of treatises and textbooks of economics (18th to 29th century). Intra- and interlingual corpus-driven and corpus-based analysis with a focus on lexicon and argumentation”
SECS-P/04 Storia del pensiero economico
Rif. 2024AR01-TUSSET
Scadenza: 9 aprile 2024 /Deadline: 2024 April 9th