International Summer School on Research Methods in Business
Short Courses on Research Methods hosted by the Department of Economics and Management and the International Summer School on Research Methods in Business at the University of Padova from July 1st - 6th 2019, in partnership with CARMA (Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis).
The main target groups of the course are:
- graduate students enrolled in Master Degrees at the DSEA, suitably selected (or students in double degree);
- PhD students in Economics & Management (in particular) of the 1st and 2nd years of DSEA;
- PhD students in Social Sciences at other Italian (hopefully UniPD) and international universities;
- faculty of DSEA, the University of Padua and other Italian and foreign universities.
Option #1: “Intermediate Regression: Multivariate/Logistic, Mediation/Moderation”
Dr. Ron Landis, Illinois Institute of Technology
Course Description
This short course will begin with a brief review of linear regression, followed by consideration of advanced topics including multivariate regression, use of polynomial regression, logistic regression, and the general linear model. We will pay particular attention to using regression to test models involving mediation and moderation. For all topics, examples will be discussed, and assignments completed using either data provided by the instructor or by the short course participants.
Required Software: R or SPSS
Option #2: “Questionnaire Design”
Dr. Lisa Lambert, Oklahoma State University
Course Description
This short course will begin with a brief review of linear regression, followed by consideration of
advanced topics including multivariate regression, use of polynomial regression, logistic regression, and the general linear model. We will pay particular attention to using regression to test models involving mediation and moderation. For all topics, examples will be discussed, and assignments completed using either data provided by the instructor or by the short course participants.
Option #1: “Introduction to Structural Equation Methods”
Dr. Robert Vandenberg, University of Georgia
Course Description
This introductory course requires no previous knowledge of structural equation modeling (SEM), but
participants should possess a strong understanding of regression. I will use R LAVAAN package in my
examples. You need to have R installed with LAVAAN package on your computer, and you also need to
have a very strong understanding about the data handling functions using R. There is not enough workshop time to go through R basics, and to assist you in installing LAVAAN. The course will start with an overview of the principals underlying SEM. Subsequently, we move into measurement model evaluation including confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Time will be spent on interpreting the parameter estimates and comparing competing measurement models for correlated constructs. We will then move onto path model evaluation where paths representing “causal” relations are placed between the latent variables.
Again, time will be spent on interpreting the various parameter estimates and determining whether the path models add anything above their underlying measurement models. If time permits, longitudinal models and other advanced topics will be introduced.
Required Software: R installed with LAVAAN package
Option #2: “Introduction to Multilevel/Longitudinal Analysis”
Dr. Paul Bliese,
University of South Carolina
Course Description
The CARMA Multilevel/Longitudinal Analysis short course provides both (1) the theoretical foundation,
and (2) the resources and skills necessary to conduct a wide range of multilevel analyses, including those associated with longitudinal data. The course covers within-group agreement, nested 2-level multilevel modeling and growth modeling. All practical exercises are conducted in R. Participants are encouraged to bring datasets to the course and apply the principles to their specific areas of research.
Required Software: SPSS
Hotels in Padova | |||
Hotel | Internet address | address | quality of hotels |
Hotel Galileo | www.hotelgalileopadova.it | via Venezia, 30 (Fair district) | three stars |
Hotel Donatello | www.hoteldonatello.net | via del Santo, 102/104 (near Basilica del Santo) | four stars |
Hotel Al Santo | www.alsanto.it | via del Santo, 147 (near Basilica del Santo) | three stars |
Hotel Giotto | www.hotelgiotto.com | Piazzale Pontecorvo, 33 (near Basilica del Santo) | three stars |
Hotel NH | www.nh-hotels.com | Via G.B. Pergolesi, 24 (Fair district) | four stars |
Hotel Europa | www.hoteleuropapd.it | Largo Europa, 9 (city centre) | three stars |
In addition, we have secured some rooms (low budget) at the university residence (option until June 15th).
Some of the junior attendees may want to consider it.
What is CARMA?
CARMA, the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis, is an interdisciplinary consortium devoted to helping faculty, graduate students and professionals learn of current developments in various areas of research methods and statistics. Our focus in research methods is relevant to the management and organizational sciences. CARMA is a non-profit unit at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Business Administration. CARMA was established in 1997 by Dr. Larry J. Williams (former Chairperson of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management and Founding Editor of Organizational Research Methods) and was located at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia from 1997-2009. From 2010-2014 CARMA was located at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI. Then, from 2014-2016 we were hosted at the University of North Dakota. Dr. Williams joined the faculty at UNL in the summer of 2016, bringing CARMA with him.
CARMA's Goals:
- To provide continuing education on research methods and data analysis (introductory to advanced level topics) for graduate students, faculty at various stages of their careers, and professionals
- To serve as a resource for those who teach research methods and data analysis
- To foster a sense of community among organizational scholars in research methods
What are CARMA Short Courses?
- Two or two and a half day sessions on research method or data analysis topics.
- Place an emphasis on hands-on experience and the application of methodology aimed at skill development through equal amounts of lecture and lab-time.
- Instructors are leading methodological scholars recognized within the organizational studies and management areas as experts on their topics. Several are current or past editors of leading organizational journals.
- Include introductory and advanced training on topics that might not be readily available at your institution.
- Provide students and faculty with the opportunity to network with leading scholars and other students/faculty in their areas of interest.
CARMA Short Course Discount
- Individuals from the CARMA Member Institutions receive a 50% discounted rate on Short Course fees.
Short Course Prices
One Course | Two Courses | |||
Faculty | Student | Faculty | Student | |
CARMA member | $400 USD | $300 USD | $725 USD | $525 USD |
Non-member | $800 USD | $600 USD | $1525 USD | $1125 USD |
For registration information, instructor biographies, registration deadlines, pricing, and other information check out our website
Contact: Jessi Jensen Email: carma@unl.edu
Phone: +1-402-472-7784
CBA 209, P.O. Box 880491, Lincoln, NE 68588-0491