Incoming students: Exchange and Double Degrees

The Department of Economics and Management hosts incoming students coming from 'partner institutions'.

  Exchange students

The Department of Economics and Management hosts Exchange students coming from 'partner institutions'.

If you wish to come to Padua for an exchange program in the field of Economics and Management, please refer to the general procedures for incoming students here.


Welcome days recordings and presentations

Before your Arrival

On your Arrival

During your Stay

At the end of your Stay


Key Dates at the Department of Economics and Management - Academic Year 2023/24

Trimesters (3rd year Bachelor's degree in Economics)

Classes from October 2nd until December 2nd, 2023
Exams from December 4th 2023 until January 12th, 2024

Classes from January 15th until March 18th, 2024
Exams from March 20th until April 5th, 2024

Classes from April 12th until June 17th, 2024
Exams from June 19th until July 22nd, 2024



Semesters (1st and 2nd year Bachelor's degree in Economics and master's degree programmes)

Classes from October 2nd 2023 until January 20th 2024
Exams from January 20th 2024 until December 25th 2024

Classes from February 26th 2024 until June 15th 2024
Exams from June 17th 2024 until July 20th 2024

It is NOT possible to be examinated in dates others than those within the Official Exams sessions.

For each Course Unit there are two available exams days during the Exam session right after the end of the classes and two others in the following sessions (a total amount of 4 attenpts for each course during the year). Incoming students can take exams during the retake session in Septmber, but NOT afterwards.


Learning agreement 

  Double degree students

The Department of Economics and Management hosts Double degree students coming from 'partner institutions'.

If you wish to come to Padua to pursue a Double degree in the field of Economics and Management, please refer to the general procedures for incoming students here.

Bachelor's degree

Incoming Double degree students from Clermont Business School and Montpellier Business School can pursue the Italian Bachelor's degree in Economics attending during the third year of studies the following study plan:

Courses and exams will be held in English.

Master's degree

Incoming Double degree students from Clermont Business School can pursue the Italian Master's degree in Management for Sustainable Firms.

Courses and exams will be held in English.

UNIPD - Inclusive University: visit the webpage for information about inclusion at UNIPD.

Department of Economics and Management "M. Fanno"
International Mobility Office

Via Ugo Bassi 1, 5th floor - 35131 Padova

tel.049 827 1428
tel.049 827 1232

tel.049 827 1290