Internship for Master's degree students
Students of all Master's degrees can start a curricular internship from the second trimester of the second year and only after earning at least 70 ECTS credits. The 70 CFUs must have been achieved, it is not necessary that they are also recorded on the transcript; this also and especially applies to students engaged in study mobility (Erasmus+, Ulysses, etc.) who have passed the necessary examinations abroad but for whom the recognition procedure has not yet been completed.
The optional internship is worth 6 ECTS credits and must have a minimum duration of 150 hours to be carried out continuously (except for brief justified interruptions) at the same host institution.
At any time during the first and second year of the course, it is always possible to carry out an optional traineeship without credit recognition.
Students of the Master's degree in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (Curriculum "Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale") are required to complete a mandatory internship, with a minimum duration of 300 hours and worth 12 ECTS credits, to be carried out continuously (except for brief justified interruptions) at the same host institution.
Discontinued Master's degrees:
Students of Master's degree in Business Administration, Economics and Finance, and Entrepreneurship & Innovation can only undertake optional curricular internships, i.e. without credit recognition. At the end of the internship, they do not need to produce any documentation and should therefore follow the procedure below only up to point 5.
Students of the Master's degree in Economics and Law (Economia e Diritto) can always undertake an optional curricular internship. However, starting from the second semester of the second year,, and only after achieving 70 ECTS credits, they can also begin the mandatory curricular internship, which is part of the study plan, with a minimum duration of 350 hours, granting 14 ECTS credits.
Steps for starting and registering the internship
1. Check partner list
Access the Intranet (Area riservata) on the Department website.
Search for the name of the host institution in the “Partner list.”
Note: The presence or absence of a company name in the list is not related to the existence/absence of an agreement, which is exclusively managed by the company and the University.
- If the name of the host organization is not there, the intern must ask the company tutor to register the company's details here. Then, 24 hours after the new registration, you will be able to enter the training project and proceed to point 2 (upload of the training project) of the procedure.
- If the name of the host institution is there, proceed directly to point 2 of the procedure.
2. The training project
The intern uploads the training project at least 15 days before the start of the internship.
On this occasion, the intern verifies that they have entered their mobile phone number in the personal data section of their reserved area, to receive the OTP code necessary for the digital signature. The mobile phone number must be in the format "+393331234567".
The intern asks the company tutor for the following data to upload in the reserved area:
- Address where the internship will take place (for remote internships, enter "smart-working");
- Internship objectives in terms of soft skills development;
- Detailed description of tasks and activities;
- Agreed remuneration/facilitations with the company (monthly or daily internship grant, lump-sum expense reimbursement, meal vouchers, etc.);
- Specific dates, days of the week, and hours of the internship;
- Name and email of the company tutor;
- Mobile phone number of the company tutor to receive the OTP code necessary for the digital signature of the training project.
The system notifies the intern of the training project's tracking.
When the internship is authorized, a communication from the dSEA Stage & Placement Service is received, containing the documentation and further relevant information.
Check the institutional email inbox regularly.
If the document is pending agreement, interns are not required to participate in the procedures. The agreement process takes 15 days and occurs exclusively between the company and the university.
After the agreement is signed, the training project is approved and authorized by the Department.
3. Online health and safety course
When your internship is authorized, you will receive a communication from the dSEA Stage & Placement Service.
In the meantime, make sure you have completed the mandatory 'Online health and safety course'.
If necessary, the course is available on Moodle > CLICK HERE
If the intern already has a certificate (its compliance can be checked HERE), the details of the issuing institution and the date of completion of the course must be entered in the personal data section of the Intranet (Area riservata).
4. Receipt & return of documentation, and start of the internship
When the internship is authorized and the insurance coverage has been activated (at the specified location, days, and times), the student will receive an email at their institutional address with instructions to proceed with the digital signature of the training project.
The intern and the host institution must digitally sign the training project by the first day of the internship.
The completed training project, with all signatures, will be sent to the intern and the host institution by the Stage & Placement Service.
5. During the internship
Changes in days/hours, absences, extensions, and interruptions of the internship must be communicated in advance by the intern to the Stage & Placement Service ( with the company tutor copied (CC).
Absences during the internship must be agreed upon in advance with the company tutor.
Business trips must be communicated in advance by the intern to the Stage & Placement Service ( with the company tutor copied (CC).
The communication must contain the following information:
- Company name of the entity to be visited;
- Complete address including city, street, and street number;
- Date of the business trip, start and end time of the trip;
- Means of transportation used and the name of the accompanying person.
Interns and host institutions can choose their preferred method to track hours worked. If needed, it is possible to use our attendance register form. The file is editable and does not need to be returned to the Stage & Placement Service at the end of the internship.
6. Filling in the end-of-internship documentation (only for active Master's degrees and MED)
Once 150 hours of internship are completed or 300 hours for the Master's degree in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (Curriculum "Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale"), or 350 hours for MED- Master's degree in Law and Economics (Economia e Diritto) (even before the end of the internship, which must, however, end at least one day before the graduation ceremony), within 40 days from the end of the internship and in any case within the deadlines set by the registration call, the intern is required to:
1) Send the end-of-internship documents, completed, stamped, and signed by the company tutor, in PDF format to, renaming the file with their LAST NAME and FIRST NAME (keeping the rest unchanged- e.g., "ROSSI MARIO - End of Internship Documents.pdf").
2) Upload the internship report in PDF Format to the Intranet (Area riservata):
For "mandatory internship" (Master's degree students in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (Curriculum "Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale")), the internship report (minimum 20, maximum 30 pages) must include the following sections:
- Description of the host institution and organizational context;
- Description of the activities carried out;
- The intern’s contribution to the host institution's activities, i.e., the knowledge and skills used by the student to perform the activities outlined in the 'training project', including a summary of the reference literature and the discussion of applied cases;
- The specific skills and knowledge acquired through the internship.
For "optional internship," the internship report (minimum 3, maximum 5 pages) must include:
- A brief description of the host institution and organizational context;
- A brief description of the activities carried out and the intern’s contribution to the host institution’s activities;
- The specific skills and knowledge acquired through the internship.
For MED internships, the report must be signed on the front page by the company tutor, after obtaining approval from the academic tutor who must then evaluate it within the call deadlines.
Instructions for the online completion of the report and cover page template for MED students
The MED 'internship report' should be approximately 10,000 words and must include the following contents:
- Brief analysis of the context and activities of the host institution.
- Description of the current situation and strategy, identification of critical success factors and areas for intervention.
- Articulation of research objectives and analysis of their degree of achievement.
- Description of the activities carried out, methodologies, and tools used.
- Theoretical framework and description of the phenomenon under study (reference literature; cases and applied solutions).
- Analysis of the intern's role within the host institution, established collaborations, and acquired skills.
- Bibliographic references.
7. Internship registration (only for active Master’s degrees and MED)
Before each graduation session, there is a designated registration call for internships: the dates are set to comply with the administrative deadlines for graduation.
Both for the "mandatory" and the "optional internship," only a pass/fail evaluation is given without assigning a grade.
MED students, however, must take an exam, whose procedure are defined by art. 10 of the MED internship regulation.
Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno"
Stage & Placement Service
Location: Via Ugo Bassi, 1 - 35131 Padua
Phone: + 39 049 827 1270 (Memo) - 1280 (Morè) - 1462 (Pegoraro)
Dean: prof. Diego Campagnolo and prof. Thomas Bassetti
Staff: Enrico Memo, Marianna Morè and Alice Pegoraro