XXX Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP 2018)
Università degli Studi di Padova
Dal 19.09.2018 al 21.09.2018
XXX Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP 2018): “Global structural changes and government challenges”
Università degli Studi di Padova, September 19th - 20th - 21st 2018
In the last thirty years, research has significantly advanced our understanding of the way symmetric information, incomplete contracts, and incomplete markets cause serious malfunctioning of market economies. The experience of government interventions to face the worst effects of economic and financial crises in late 20th century and early 21st century (e.g., the Great Recession) as well as successful development cases call for a reconsideration of State and market failures.
Main focus of research and policy-making should be the identification of the most appropriate forms of government intervention. Under this perspective, the relationship between governments and private agents can be more fruitfully analysed in terms of partnership. Moreover, the new global challenges (e.g. climate change, environmental crises, aging and migrations, technological change, socio-political conflicts) call for stronger partnerships also within the government sector – among local, national, and international institutions – to pursue a consensual review of the rules that regulate the functioning of national and global markets – e.g., competition policy, trade policy, industrial policy, financial stability policy. In many fields, public-private partnerships as well as public-public partnership are seen as crucial and flexible instruments.
Keynote speaker:
David Martimort (Paris School of Economics)
Main events:
- 20th Anniversary CRIEP Workshop: the online registration will be open until Friday, 14th September 2018
- Round table “Il federalismo differenziato in Italia e in Europa”
- General Assembly of SIEP Members
- 41 parallel sessions
Scientific Committee:
Chairs: Bruno Bises (Roma Tre University), Luciano Greco (University of Padova & CRIEP), Leonzio Rizzo (University of Ferrara & IEB).
Members: Massimo Baldini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Marina Bertolini (University ofPadova & CRIEP), Marco Bertoni (University of Padova), Marco Buso (University of Padova & CRIEP), Martina Celidoni (University of Padova & CRIEP), Renato Cogno (IRES Piemonte),Antonio Dal Bianco (Eupolis Lombardia), Massimiliano Ferraresi (JRC European Commission), Umberto Galmarini (University of Insubria), Angelo Grasso (IPRES Puglia), Patrizia Lattarulo (IRPET Toscana), Luca Micheletto (University of Milan), Giuseppe Migali (Magna Graecia University & Lancaster University), Maria Teresa Monteduro (Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze), Luigi Moretti (Université Paris 1-Sorbonne), Eugenio Peluso (University of Verona), Paolo Pertile (University of Verona & CRIEP), Cecilia Testa (University of Nottingham), Pietro Tommasino (Bank of Italy).
For information: CRIEP | criep.economia@unipd.it | tel. 049 827 1518 - 4269