Study Abroad

Students will benefit from an international learning environment in Padova, but also abroad exploiting the network of more than 80 university partners for the Erasmus+ program, bilateral agreements and other structured partnerships. 

Our International Office is dedicated to enhance international partnerships and multinational and multicultural experiences in order to offer global opportunities to international students.

The Office Provides assistance to:

Erasmus+: students can apply for an Erasmus+ for Studies scholarship during the first year of the master degree, in order to study abroad during the second year.

Double Degrees: the double degree programme allows students to obtain two degrees from Padova University and a partner institution, spending the second year of study abroad.

Overseas exchanges: the Overseas exchanges allow students to spend one semester abroad out of Europe in a Partner University.

International Summer Programs in Management in China - ISPM CHINA: an international summer program in management  based on intensive summer classes and company visits. 

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