Bettiol M., Capestro M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Sedita S.R. (2020), “Industrial Districts and the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, Competitiveness Review.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E. (2020), “Industry 4.0 adoption and internationalization: does size matter?”, Piccola Impresa/Small Business, No 2.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Micelli S. (2020), “At The Roots Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How ICT Investments Affect Industry 4.0 Adoption”, Working Paper Marco Fanno, n. 253
Bettiol M., Di Maria E., Micelli S. (Eds.) Knowledge Management and Industry 4.0. New Paradigms for Value Creation, Springer, Heidelberg.
Special issue "Industry 4.0 in Firms, Clusters and Regions: the New Digital Imperative”, Competitiveness Review, Guest editors: Dr. Jose-Luis Hervas-Oliver, Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), Dr. Eleonora di Maria, University of Padua (Italy), Dr. Marco Bettiol, University of Padua (Italy), forthcoming.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E. (2019), “Industry 4.0 Investments in Manufacturing firms and Internationalization”, paper presented at 45th European International Business Academy - EIBA Conference, 13-15 December 2019, Leeds, UK.
Bettiol M., Di Maria E. (2019), “Verso l’Industria 4.0, lo stato dell’arte in Italia e in Veneto e il ruolo dei FabLab”, in De Pietro L. (Ed.), Dai Fablab agli innovation lab: l’esperienza della Regione del Veneto, CLEUP, Padova
De Marchi V., Di Maria E. (2019), “Sustainability Strategies, Investments in Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy Results”, Working Paper Marco Fanno, n. 231.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. (2019), “Impacts of industry 4.0 investments on firm performance. Evidence From Italy”, Working Paper Marco Fanno, n. 233.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Micelli S. (2019), “At The Roots Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How ICT Investments Affect Industry 4.0 Adoption”, paper presented at EURAM - European Academy of Management 19th Conference, June 26-28, Lisbon.
Hafiz N., Di Maria E. (2019), “Customer Participation in New product development”,paper presented at EURAM - European Academy of Management 19th Conference, June 26-28, Lisbon.
De Marchi V., Di Maria E. (2019), “(How) Can Industry 4.0 Technologies Support The Circular Economy?”, paper presented at SIMA Conference (Società Italiana di Management) – Sinergie, 19-20 June, Rome
Bettiol M., Capestro M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Sedita S.R. (2019), “Industry 4.0 investments: are district firms following a peculiar path?”, paper presented at Workshop Rethinking Clusters The Local And Global Scale Of Sustainability Transitions, University of Padova, Padova, 15-17 May 2019
Capestro M., Bettiol M., Di Maria E. (2018), “The key role of marketing purposes for the fourth industrial revolution”, paper presentato alla XV SIM Conference (Società Italiana Marketing), 18-19 Ottobre 2018, Bari – Best selected paper Track “Technology and Innovation Marketing”.
Naeem H.M., Di Maria E. (2018), “Industry 4.0 and co-creation in new product development”, paper presentato alla XV SIM Conference (Società Italiana Marketing), 18-19 Ottobre 2018, Bari.
Blasi S., De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Mancini M., Zampetti G. (2018), “Strategie di economia circolare e marketing: il caso italiano”, paper presentato alla XV SIM Conference (Società Italiana Marketing), 18-19 Ottobre 2018, Bari.
Capestro M., De Marchi V., Di Maria E., Sedita S.R. (2018), “Districts, global value chain and industry 4.0: which implications for the local/global interface?” presentazione alla XXXIX Conferenza dell’AISRE, 17-19 Settembre 2018, Bolzano.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. (2018), “Do Industry 4.0 Technologies Lead to More (and better) Knowledge?”, paper presentato alla 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Università di Padova, 6-7 Settembre 2018, Padova.
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. (2018), “Impact of Industry 4.0 investments on Firm performance. Evidence from Italy“, paper presented to the EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland,June 19 - 22, 2018. Best paper award - SIG Strategic Management (download)
De Marchi V.., Di Maria E., (2018), “Sustainability strategies, investments in Industry 4.0, and Circular Economy results“, paper presented to the EURAM - European Academy of Management 18th Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19 - 22, 2018. Best paper award nomination - SIG Innovation
De Marchi V.., Di Maria E., (2018), “Industry 4.0 technologies and Circular Economy: A possible convergence?”, paper presented to the GRONEN - Group for Research on Organizations and the Nature Environment Conference, University of Almeria, Spain, June 13-15, 2018
Bettiol M., Di Maria E., Capestro M. (2018), “Una via italiana all’Industria 4.0?”, Quaderni di ricerca sull’artigianato, 1/2018, pp. 103-120, DOI: 10.12830/90300 (download)
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E., Furlan A. (2018), “Does Industry 4.0 pay off? Evidence from Italy“, paper presented to the SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOP ON THE 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, Business model innovation, local ecosystems and global competition, University of Trento, Dept. of Economics and Management, March 23rd - 24th, 2018 (abstract)
Bettiol M., Capestro M., Di Maria E. (2017), Industry 4.0: the role of strategic marketing, Marco Fanno Working Paper (download)
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